Please provide any feedback about the session or other aspects of the process you would like to see considered.

CRPC VisionGreen 2050 TAG #3 Presentation


  • Scenarios are possible futures for Baton Rouge MSA.

  • Scenario modeling is not limited by financial considerations. That analysis will come later.

  • BAU (Business as Usual) are scenarios based on current policies and trends for population and development

    • More people, more cars, more cooling needs, more waste, etc.

  • BAP (Business as Planning) includes projects with approved funding

BAU Scenario

  • Less energy expended on heating, but more energy used for cooling results in a net increase of emissions.

  • The largest share of emissions is in the industrial sector.


Low Carbon Scenario

  • A series of measures stacked on top of each other to chip away at the projected emissions

  • LCS 1 - Short-Term based on actions in the Priority Climate Action Plan

    • Electricity, industry, CCS, methane, transportation, residential, community, lands

  • LCS 2 - Extending measures  from LCS 1 that can be expanded/escalated 

    • Renewable energy to supply community and industrial electrical needs, alternative transportation

  • LCS 3 -  Industrial Expansion

    • Energy efficiency in industry, methane capture, building code retrofits in the commercial sector, fuel-switching 

    • 23% reduction in energy use

    • Most remaining emissions are from industry

    • Fuel-switching in industrial sector will reduce reliance on natural gas and power facilities through the green energy supplied electrical grid

  • LCS 4 - Continued pollution reduction measures in oil and gas refining,  additional carbon capture and storage


Costs and Benefits

  • Nest steps will take all the recommendations and project operation costs to complete a cost-benefit analysis


Feedback/ Participant Questions

  • What specific industries are we talking about scaling back 75%?

    • For the industrial entities, the focus would be energy production, not reducing manufacturing capacity

    • We will take a closer look  at the petrochemical sector to be sure we are focused on the right facilities

  • Wind energy may not be immediate, but it should be part of the picture.

    • Wind energy is included in this plan within the “cleaner grid” project category.

  • Increasing interest in the use of nuclear power, which could be included in the potential fuel-switching plans - legislative hearings to be held soon 

    • GHG outcomes would be similar to whether utilizing hydrogen of SMRs

  • How do you decide what to build to keep up with generation as some facilities are decommissioned?

    • BAU scenario (with cost considerations) will be the reference scenario to compare and decide which path to take




Please provide any comments, questions or suggestions by February 21st via email to Laura Livingston

  • Are there any additional emission reduction measures that you would like to see included in the scenario modeling?

  • What measures would have the most significant benefits for communities and the local workforce?


Please provide any feedback about the session or other aspects of the process you would like to see considered.

Climate Action Town Hall

Presentation Slides:

Download the slides


Over the coming months, the project team will host pop-up events in various locations throughout the community. We’ll be gathering feedback related to community readiness for climate action and potential opportunities and barriers to implementation. Input will be recorded and included in Vision Green 2050. Pop by to share your thoughts, learn about emission reduction and enter to win a draw prize.

Dates and locations click here


Scan the QR code to open the questionnaire on your device.

This questionnaire will help the Capital Region Planning Commission to understand community awareness and interest in climate pollution reduction, and preferences about various potential actions that can reduce emissions

Or click on HERE for the questionnaire

Community Outreach Working Group

The COWG is an informal group composed of representatives of businesses, libraries, community centers, faith-based organizations, community organizations, schools, and engaged local officials from each Parish, with a particular focus on low income communities. They will help make connections with the broader community to enable multiple engagement activities.

Technical Advisory Group

The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is made up of representatives from CRPC departments, state administration, Louisiana State University, environmental organizations, and the business sector. This group will be consulted at each phase of the technical analysis to ensure transparency and alignment with other efforts in the Baton Rouge MSA.

Overall Engagement Plan

All the engagement activities for Vision Green 2050 are outlined in the table below.


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