Congestion Management
Congestion Management
Congestion Management Process
The congestion management process (CMP) is a way of systematically considering congestion-related issues using a set of technical tools and basing evaluations on a discrete set of locally determined performance measures. A CMP provides for the systematic review of the performance of multimodal transportation systems in larger metropolitan areas, and the identification of strategies to address congestion through the use of "management" strategies focused on both the use and operation of facilities and services.
A CMP is required in metropolitan areas with a population greater than 200,000, Transportation Management Areas (TMAs), and urbanized areas requesting designation as a TMA. The CMP is intended to address congestion through a process that provides for effective management and operations (M&O), based on cooperatively developed travel demand reduction and operational management strategies. Even if a metropolitan area is not a TMA or in nonattainment status, the CMP represents good practice in monitoring, assessing, and resolving congestion issues in any MPO. The CMP establishes a rigorous method of identifying and evaluating transportation improvement strategies, including both operations and capital projects.
A well-designed CMP should help the MPO to:
Develop alternative strategies to mitigate congestion
Determine the cause of congestion
Identify congested locations
Evaluate the potential of different strategies
Evaluate the impacts of previously implemented strategies
Propose alternative strategies that best address the causes and impacts of congestion